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Cold storage cost

What is the cost of constructing and installing a 35 degree fast freezing cold storage in Chongqing?

Release time: May 4th, 2022 15:38:11 Popularity:

 Quick frozen cold storageIt refers to the method by which food quickly passes through its maximum ice crystal formation zone and freezes rapidly when the average temperature reaches -18 ℃. Food undergoes various changes during the freezing process, such as physical changes, cellular tissue changes, and biological and microbial changes. There is a demand for quick freezing cold storage in various industries, so how much does it cost to build and install -35 ℃ quick freezing cold storage?1-220504153913204.jpgThe storage effect of quick frozen cold storage includes the following points:

Inhibit respiration, reduce organic matter consumption, and maintain the excellent flavor and aroma of fruits and vegetables.

Suppress water evaporation and maintain freshness of fruits and vegetables.

Suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, control the occurrence of certain physiological diseases, and reduce the rate of fruit decay.

Inhibiting the activity of certain post ripening enzymes, inhibiting ethylene production, delaying post ripening and aging processes, maintaining fruit hardness for a long time, and having a longer shelf life.

The following is an analysis of the impact on the installation cost of constructing quick freezing cold storage:

Nature of Cold Storage: What is the nature of the construction of a quick frozen cold storage, whether it is a rental or distribution type;

Storage of goods: What kind of goods are mainly stored in a frozen cold storage, whether it is fruit, meat products, or aquatic products, depends on the type of cold storage used;

Cold storage compartment division: Whether and how many compartments are needed for the construction of a quick frozen cold storage directly determines an important factor in the cost of the cold storage. There are many types of temperature for quick frozen cold storage, and it can achieve multiple or dual temperatures for one warehouse;

Cold storage temperature: There are many types of temperatures for quick freezing cold storage, which can achieve multiple temperatures in one warehouse. However, the quality of refrigeration equipment is relatively better. If the quality is poor, it will affect the cost of the cold storage in the later stage;

Cold storage structure: Is the factory structure of the quick freezing cold storage brick concrete or steel structure

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