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Building a 100 square meter garbage cold storage in Chongqing to achieve environmental protection and resource recovery

Release time: 10:30:01, September 12, 2023 Popularity:

With the continuous advancement of urbanization, garbage disposal has become an urgent problem to be solved. As a large city, Chongqing also faces enormous challenges in garbage disposal. In order to better protect the environment and achieve resource recycling, Chongqing has decided to build a garbage cold storage to effectively control garbage odor and reduce environmental pollution.

This 100 square meter garbage cold storage was built by a professional environmental technology company, who invested a lot of resources and effort to complete the project over several months. The cold storage adopts the latest garbage treatment technology, including temperature control, air purification, and odor treatment facilities. These measures will effectively reduce the foul odor generated by garbage and reduce the adverse impact on surrounding residents and the environment.

Impact on environmental protection and resource recovery

This newly built garbage cold storage is of great significance for environmental protection and resource recovery. Firstly, by effectively controlling the odor of garbage, cold storage can improve the living environment of surrounding residents and improve their quality of life. Secondly, garbage cold storage will help achieve the goals of garbage classification and resource recovery, promote the recycling and utilization of renewable resources, and reduce dependence on natural resources.

Looking Forward to the Future

This newly built garbage cold storage marks a solid step in environmental protection and resource recovery in Chongqing. We hope that over time, this project will provide more innovation and experience for urban waste treatment work. At the same time, we also hope that the success of this garbage cold storage can be referenced nationwide and jointly promote China's environmental protection cause.

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