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Why are so many people building cold storage now?

Release time: January 5, 2022 05:44:15 Popularity:

When the weather is hot, everyone will turn on the air conditioning indoors to cool down. However, it is not only humans who need to cool down. Fruits, ice cream, vegetables, meat and poultry, medicine, industry, aquatic products, flowers, and other products can deteriorate in high temperature environments, so products also need to cool down. What is needed for product cooling is not air conditioning, but cold storage.

The profits brought by cold storage vary greatly depending on the scale,How many square meters can be builtcold storageIt can also be as large as tens of thousands of square meters of cold storage for products stored by listed companies. Companies, distributors, and growers who operate these products generally choose to build cold storage and purchase freezers to store these products. However, freezers are only suitable for small amounts of storage, and if there is a large demand for products, cold storage is still necessary.

Take a case study for exampletwentyAt the beginning of the year, Mr. Zhang was a stall owner in a certain market. At the beginning, when there was no cold storage, he had four or five freezers at home. Setting up and collecting stalls every day was a headache for him. Due to the fact that too many freezers occupied too much of his space, the monthly electricity bills were also very high. After contacting our staff, we designed a plan for him. The cold storage he built wasfive hundredSquare meters, frozen totwo hundredSquare, high5Meters,two thousand and five hundredCubic cold storage with a capacity offive hundredAbout tons, according to the customertwo hundredCalculated in tons, the cost is based on the domestic standard costtwenty-fiveWithin ten thousand yuan, remove labor, transportation, cold storage and other expenses, and then use the sales market to invest in one's own catering enterprisethree hundredTen thousand may have become500-1000Ten thousand, or even several times the price. So, the profit behind the cold storage is very large. Let's calculate the apples that Mr. Zhang sells every day. Generally speaking, one kilogram may be8Apples priced around yuan, sold wholesale at3-4About yuan, with a cost of1-3Block, cold storagetenSquare meters can be stored2-5About tons, according to Boss Zhang's store location, one summerfifteenStarting from scratch is not a problem, building a cold storage facility is also crucial2Around ten thousand yuan, in this case, the construction of a small cold storage can cover the cost in one year. Now Mr. Zhang and our company have become very good friends, and he has also shared the benefits of building a cold storage with his friends around him.

Why are so many people building cold storage "textvalue=" building cold storage ">building cold storage? Because products require storage space and freshness, building a cold storage can help you save storage space and achieve better freshness, greatly reducing unnecessary expensesFrom a long-term perspective, it seems certain that building a cold storage facility will have more advantages than disadvantages.

Chongqing Lengjian Refrigeration will create a first-class fresh storage, cold storage, and small cold storage for you
Label: Food cold storage

Previous article: Does the country provide subsidies for building cold storage facilities?

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