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Cold storage knowledge

Seafood Cold Storage: The Key to Maintaining the Quality and Freshness of Seafood

Release time: October 4, 2023 17:14:43 Popularity:

Seafood cold storage is a specialized equipment used to store seafood and aquatic products, playing an important role in maintaining the original quality and freshness of seafood. Due to the low storage temperature required for seafood, it is generally required to be below -23 ℃, so seafood cold storage is also known as seafood frozen cold storage or seafoodQuick frozen cold storage. Low temperature conditions can help extend the shelf life of seafood, which can generally be extended by about 3-6 months.

Seafood cold storage has strict temperature requirements, and the appropriate storage temperature is generally around -25 ℃, and it is required to maintain stability. Sudden changes in temperature may cause seafood to rot and spoil, as seafood is stored in a sealed environment, and temperature management is crucial for seafood storage. Therefore, temperature control must be fully considered in the design and operation of seafood cold storage to ensure the safety and quality of seafood.

The characteristics of seafood cold storage also include humidity control, air circulation, and bacterial control. Appropriate humidity can reduce dehydration on the surface of seafood, maintain its wetness, and prevent seafood from losing moisture and taste due to dehydration. Good air circulation helps to disperse cold air and ensure uniform cooling, ensuring temperature consistency throughout the entire seafood cold storage. In addition, bacterial control is also a key link. Through scientific disinfection and cleaning measures, bacterial growth and reproduction can be effectively curbed, and the hygiene and safety of seafood can be maintained.

Seafood cold storage plays an important role in the seafood industry. It not only provides a method for long-term preservation of seafood products, but also helps support the development of the seafood industry. By using seafood cold storage equipment reasonably, small and medium-sized enterprises in the seafood supply chain can also extend the seafood sales cycle, reduce waste and losses, and improve economic efficiency.

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