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Experience in the construction of cold storage for food ingredients in a 20 square meter fresh supermarket in Guiyang

Release time: October 9, 2023 16:50:56 Popularity:

The preservation of ingredients in fresh supermarkets is the key to the quality of fresh food, and the cold storage of ingredients is an important equipment to ensure the preservation of fresh food. A good cold storage for food ingredients can not only effectively extend the shelf life of fresh ingredients, but also reduce food waste and reduce operating costs.


Not long ago, a 20 square meter fresh food supermarket in Guiyang adopted the following experience in building a cold storage for food ingredients and achieved good results. This article will introduce the construction experience of this supermarket, hoping to be helpful for other fresh supermarkets to build food cold storage.

1. Choose a suitable cold storage location

The location of the cold storage should be away from heat sources, well ventilated, and convenient for entering and exiting goods. The supermarket will build a cold storage room at the back of the supermarket, near the parking space for refrigerated trucks, for easy entry and exit of goods.

2. Reasonably design the cold storage space

The space of the cold storage should be reasonably designed based on the type and quantity of stored ingredients. The supermarket divides the cold storage into vegetable cold storageFruit cold storageAnd meat cold storage, each cold storage is equipped with corresponding storage space.

3. Choose high-quality cold storage equipment

Cold storage equipment is the core of cold storage and should be selected with reliable quality and stable performance. The supermarket has selected well-known domestic brands of cold storage equipment to ensure the normal operation of the cold storage.

4. Regular maintenance of cold storage

Regular maintenance of cold storage can extend its service life. The supermarket has established a regular maintenance plan to regularly clean, maintain, and repair the cold storage.

Through these experiences, the cold storage of ingredients in the supermarket operates well, providing guarantees for the preservation of fresh ingredients.

In addition, when constructing a cold storage for food ingredients, the following points need to be noted:

  • The capacity of the cold storage should be designed according to the actual needs of the supermarket to avoid excessive or insufficient capacity.
  • The temperature of the cold storage should be set according to the type of food stored to ensure the freshness of the food.
  • The cold storage should be equipped with corresponding safety equipment to prevent accidents.

I hope these experiences will be helpful for other fresh food supermarkets to build food cold storage facilities.

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